(Giveaway) (Christmas 2013) The 1872 Clipper Tea Co.

'Three Gifts of Christmas' :: $38

‘Three Gifts of Christmas’ :: $38

I admit. I’m quite a tea junkie. I’m one of those who have my caffeine fix from coffee while I’m in a cafe. But I’d very much prefer to sip tea when I’m in the office / at home. I have somewhere around 14 different teas in the office. I’m tempted to open a tea salon in that small corner of mine. Naturally, I was thrilled to learn that The 1872 Clipper Tea Co. has crafted a Christmas gift pack this year, better known as ‘Three Gifts of Christmas‘.

'Three Gifts of Christmas' :: $38

‘Three Gifts of Christmas’ :: $38

Each tin of tea leaves costs $15 when bought separately, but for just $38, you not only get 3 tins, but with them wrapped, all ready to be given as a luxury tea gift. What I love about this tea gift set is its variety of tea leaves; comprising black, green and white tea.

HOPE :: Strawberry Green Tea LOVE :: Blueberry Black Tea PEACE :: Peach White Tea

HOPE :: Strawberry Green Tea
LOVE :: Blueberry Black Tea
PEACE :: Peach White Tea

Hope: Blend of green tea, willow bark and strawberry fruit pieces.
Love: Blend of black tea and blueberry. Complete with (visible) sugar hearts.
Peace: Blend of white tea and peach. Open the ‘porthole’ cover, a dove might appear.

My thoughts?
Visually, ‘Love’ wins, hands down, thanks to its scattered red, heart-shaped sugar.
Smell, ‘Peace’. Powerful but gentle and soothing fruity note.
Taste, ‘Peace’ is my favorite combination. Lightly flavored, but strong smell presence. I am also pleased to learn that the brewed teas aren’t anywhere astringent. And while they are of fruity flavors and smell really heavy, they are not overpowering. I could still very well savor the respective tea leaves.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

The 1872 Clipper Tea Co. & The Chosen Glutton believe that you’ve been nice this past year, and have decided to reward 3 of you adorable kids with a ‘Three Gifts of Christmas’ gift set each. To stand a chance of winning, you can choose to do either or both of the following:

(1) (Mandatory) Like The 1872 Clipper Tea Co.’s Facebook page.
a) Share with us, right in this post, the most unique / heartwarming Christmas gift you have given to your loved ones (or) received from your loved ones and what they mean to you. If you choose this option, do include your email. If you are not comfortable with publicizing your email, drop me an email at thechosenglutton@gmail.com, copying your entry in the email.
b) Share with us, at The Chosen Glutton’s Instagram, the same, posting under the most recent Clipper Tea photo.

Giveaway will end on 25 December 2013, 11.59pm. A total of 3 winners will be chosen from both options at random. I, of course, will be reading through all the entries. If there’s any entry that’s especially inspiring, I’ll pick that as well. Share your stories with us; after all, it’s the season of giving and sharing, right?

Photos by Kathleen.
The 1872 Clipper Tea Co. can be found in these locations.

5 thoughts on “(Giveaway) (Christmas 2013) The 1872 Clipper Tea Co.

  1. The sweetest friend I had ever met! She gave me taiwan souvenirs as Christmas gifts!

    I was super duper touched because she thought of me during her taiwan trip! It was the thought that counted!

    Not only that, all the gifts are written in blessings such as wish that your dream will come true and hope that you will be safe in hand etc. For example, some of the gifts are sky lantern keychain and blessing taiwan train ticket made me feel that I had been to taiwan !

    I felt so blessed ! :’)

    (P.S. for the past 20 year, I always secretly hang up stockings ! Hoping for santas claus to drop sth. I know I know it’s ridiculous. Well, because I had never received Xmas gifts before. This year I no longer have to do that because I have met my santas claus #happygirl)

    & now I would like to be a santas claus to give away sth ! :)

  2. I studied abroad in Sweden for half a year, and had to spend the seasonal festivities away from my family. It was truly a cold, White Christmas as temperatures dropped to below -20 C. My family sent me a provisions-package box filled with local ‘goodies’ such as Sin Long sambal belacan, packets of Maggie Mee (Korean flavoured!), dried herbs like Star Anise, and even fish sauce for cooking as they were not sold for cheap in Sweden. I could not help but tear and feel the warmth of my family’s love.

  3. The most unique gift was from my now-fiancé. We’ve always liked giving ‘experiences’ to one another during the holidays/for birthdays. One year, he created a series of ‘date nights’ by bundling a number of small gifts together for each date (for example: a toque and a gc to go sledding at the ski hill) – we spent the next month going having so many great & fun date nights!

  4. it wasn’t exactly the most unique gift but the saddest gift. my bf gave me a present and written on the card was to another girl, and yes the gift is not meant for me.

  5. 3 charms he gave to me for my charm bracelet on Christmas night last year

    a clover leave charm – “it means I am lucky to have you”, he said
    a heart shaped charm – “it means I love you”, he said
    a ring charm – “it means will you marry me?” he asked

    The proposal from him was the best Christmas gift I’d ever recieved
    and the answer “Yes” from me was the best Christmas gift I’d ever given

    email add sent to cheeqy@hotmail.com

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