Big O Cafe & Restaurant.

We’re probably thinking the same thing – why Big ‘O’? Interestingly, being the N.Y.D.C.’s sister restaurant (and conveniently located right across N.Y.D.C. at Wheelock Place), they’ve named this cafe/restaurant after their famous cheesecake, Big O Cheesecake. I’ve never noticed this before today (maybe it’s because they’re being overshadowed by the N.Y.D.C. every time I past the area) – only decided to try this when scrolling through the list of restaurants over the net.

Mozzarella Sticks :: $8.60++

Mozzarella Sticks ($8.60++) :: It’s 2.5 sticks per person if you share it between two, like I did (we were drawn to the same starter upon looking at the menu). Nicely breaded, the sticks are to my liking, thanks to the thick and elastic mozzarella cheese in the wrap. I especially like the kind that the cheese elongates as you pull it away from your mouth. Yum. Also, it comes with the typical tomato / salsa kinda sauce.

Spiced Duck :: $19.95++

Spiced Duck ($19.95++) :: A very typical duck confit, in my opinion. Up till now, I have yet to taste a duck confit that is outstanding and isn’t ‘gelat‘. A slice or two of this is fine. But well, the mashed potato that comes with it helps you in completing the course – that’s the beauty of sides. Hah.

Bacon Wrapped Chicken Leg :: $17.80++

Bacon Wrapped Chicken Leg ($17.80++) :: Again, the same problem as above (why does it seem like a recurring problem for this restaurant?) – ‘gelat‘. But it isn’t as bad. I love bacon done this well (non-crispy), and the chicken’s tender. I guess it’s the BBQ (if I’m not mistaken) sauce that spoils it. All in all, it’s just another dish, nothing to rave about.

Spike ‘D’ :: $5.95++

Spike ‘D’ ($5.95++) :: Very popular amongst the crowd, we decided to join the club. If you’re a durian lover, this simple-looking cake is for you. Sheltered with a coat of chocolate, the durian in it is a twist of taste for you in this dessert course.

The Dark Side Mudpie :: $10.95++

The Dark Side Mudpie ($10.95++) :: The highly anticipated fully chocolate-filled and topped mudpie turned out to be a huge disappointment. Well as they say, the higher your expectation, the bigger your disappointment. This was exactly the case. As a huge chocolate lover, I was eagerly awaiting for it to be on my table. The first bite and it was only ordinary. As compared to its sister company’s mudpie, this needs a whole lot of improvement. So if you want a better mudpie, just hop across the aisle to NYDC.

With the payment done with POSB/DBS Card, we’ve received a $10 discount voucher. I’m still sitting on the fence on if I’ll make a return to the restaurant.

Address (in context): 501 Orchard Road, #02-04/05 Wheelock Place
Telephone: 6737 8472
Photos by self.

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